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Ryanair Entry into Ukraine: To Fly or to Comply - Teaching Note
作者姓名:W. Glenn Rowe; Sergii Nevmerzhytskyi;
出版日期:2020/11/25內容長度:6 頁

Teaching note for product 9B20M199.

Ryanair Entry into Ukraine: To Fly or to Comply
作者姓名:W. Glenn Rowe; Sergii Nevmerzhytskyi;
商品類型:Case (Pub Mat)商品編號:9B20M199
出版日期:2020/11/25內容長度:16 頁

Ireland-based Ryanair DAC (Ryanair) was the largest European low-cost airline, serving approximately 120 million customers in 34 countries in 2016–2017. The airline was considering entering new markets as its growth in existing markets had plateaued. The untapped Ukrainian market offered a huge growth opportunity for Ryanair as the country had recently signed a free-trade agreement with the European Union (EU) and was about to enter a visa-free regime .....more